It's that time of year - ART SHOW TIME! We're sending out the call for artists for the SRA Big Art Show of Small Works.
Here are the details:
3 cash prizes to be awarded by a jury of your peers.
Awards are based on votes by artisans entered in the exhibit.
Entry fees: Full Members: FREE (max five)
Associate members: $5.00 per entry (max five)
Non-members: $15 - 1st entry and $5 each
additional entry (max five)
Artwork must be 10” or less on one of
the sides (excluding the frame)
Examples: 10”x 12”; 10” x 6”; 10” x 16“; 8”x 12”; etc. (without frame)
Dates to Remember:
Deliver Artwork: February 23, Thursday (9 - 3 PM) & (5 - 7 PM)
Deliver to: 104 Allen St., Hampden MA (Hampden Sr. Center)
Exhibit Dates: February 25 - Sat -(10:00- 4:00)
February 26 - Sun. - (11:00 - 3:00)
Reception: February 26 - Sun. (noon - 2:00) - Awards (2:00)
Pick Up Art: February 26 - Sunday (3:00pm - 4:00pm)
Below is the info flyer along with the five entry forms. If you have any questions please email us at