Calling all artists! Join us for our next exhibit.
Exhibit Dates: Saturday May 6 10am-4pm & Sunday May 7 11am-3pm
Where: 104 Allen St. Hampden, MA (Community Room @ Hampden Senior Center)
Three (3) cash prizes to be awarded by a jury of your peers. Awards are based on votes by artisans entered in the exhibit.
Entry Fees: Full Members FREE (max three); Associate Members $5 per entry (max three); Non-Members $15 for first entry and $5 each additional entry (max three)
Guidelines: Artwork must be framed with wire (no sawtooth hooks).
Dates to Remember:
Deliver Artwork on Thursday May 4 10am-3pm & 5pm-7pm.
Deliver to 104 Allen St. Hampden, MA.
Exhibit Dates are Saturday May 6 10am-4pm & Sunday May 7 11am-3pm.
Artist Reception is Sunday May 7 12pm-2pm & Awards at 2pm.
Pick Up Art on Sunday May 7 3pm-4pm *note - members may leave artwork to hang in gallery.
Print the entry form below, fill out the information for your entries, and bring the form and payment with you on Thursday May 4 when you deliver your artwork. If you have any questions please email us at
Entry Form (PDF)