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John Collins





Instagram: @collinsartstudios


John Collins is Sculptor and Painter who resides here in Western Massachusetts. His love of art has spanned many forms including drawing, painting, and sculpting but he pursued these as just part-time hobbies while raising his family. In 2022 when he retired from the business world, and phased out his architectural products marketing company, he then began to focus on taking his art to the next level.  


John recently won a “best in show” award entitled The Porsche Family Award of Excellence for one of his oil painted car portraits at a National Porsche Club of America event. Oil painting only since 2021, John’s custom commissioned car portraits have become popular with car enthusiasts of all types, not just Porsche owners.


Although more challenging, his favorite subject matter is sculpting the three-dimensional human or animal form. Over the years he has experimented with many materials including stone, wood, clay and even snow and beach sand, winning competitions for his unique larger than life human form sand sculptures on Narragansett Beach.  Those sculptures done in snow or sand have just a few hours to make an impact on the viewer, disappearing with a warm day or rising tide.  However, John feels the temporary nature is part of their appeal. His other “more permanent” sculptures have been exhibited locally in juried shows throughout the Northeast including the Norman Rockwell Museum, Art in the Orchard, and the Northeast Fine Arts Exhibition where he won 1st place.  


Although John doesn’t hold an art school degree, his fine art educational linage can be traced back to both Bouguereau and Rodin. He has sought out instruction and mentorships from the best artists he can find including Chad Fisher, Stephen Perkins, Philippe Faraut, Stephen Saxenian, Jeffery Kern and Roc Goudreau. John also has a talent for teaching and enjoys sharing his passion and knowledge for art with people of all ages.  He loves the inspiration he gains from his students. He has instructed sculpture privately and also at Workshop13, Minnechaug Regional High School and Eagle Hill School. In fact, one of John’s first posts as a professional artist was as the STAR Artist in Residence at Eagle Hill School.


Please feel free visit John’s website - - to see more examples of his artwork.


Scantic River Artisans

104 Allen St. Hampden, MA 01036
Mailing Address

PO Box 92, Hampden, MA 01036

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